Tailor made Portfolio™ with consistent returns
Superior value proposition.
Providing a variety of services to our clients in line with the highest international standards -top-tier banks: EXM Capital’s banking services (deposits and withdrawals) are provided through leading regionals and international banks.
Professionalism and safety.
Working in a very strict regulatory environment to services our clients with full transparency and professionalism
Focus on our clients.
intimate understanding of our multi- national clients: understanding the culture of all our customers, professional and bilingual Customer support around the clock: our professional customer support team is ready to help you with your inquires instantly
Top-tier operators with traditional finance and technology expertise.
Offices around the world.


Earn 5x the interest
with the Cash Account.

Stock and money positions of all Exchange Trades and Clearing Agency Transactions are required to be settled on T+2 day whereas stock positions of China Connect Securities Trades are settled on T day. SI transactions are settled on the settlement day stipulated by both Participants. Securities settlement is effected either by scheduled daily batch settlement runs or immediate on-line transfer by the input of Delivery Instructions (DIs).
ESSCS provides money settlement services for all transactions settled on a Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) basis, where payment will follow delivery of securities in CCASS. Trades settled under the CNS system are always on a DVP basis. For Isolated Trades, SI and ISI transactions, participants can choose to settle them on a DVP or Free of Payment (FOP) basis.

Featured funds

Continuous Net Settlement (CNS)
Trades settled under the Continuous Net Settlement (CNS) System: Exchange Trades and Clearing Agency Transactions for global market and Securities Trades for Institutional investors that ECSCS acts as the Central Counterparty (CCP) to Participants

Keep a single view
of your finances.
Link your financial accounts once, and we’ll calculate your current net worth and project what you’ll have in the future, making updates automatically as your finances change.

Put your investments on autopilot.
We believe in passive investing, which is the time-tested approach to grow your long-term savings. Let our software automatically execute investment best practices, and take the work out of managing your own investments.

Extra Charges?
You shouldn’t have to pay a bank to use your own money. That’s why we reimburse ATM fees and foreign transaction fees worldwide. We also cut out overdraft fees and minimum balances

Start with a solid foundation.
We’ll build you a diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds that aims to maximize your returns while keeping you in your risk comfort zone. And our software maintains the appropriate investment mix over time.